Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Kapa Haka group

Ka mau te wehi!

GSNS walked into the hall and sat down excited-ly until the amazing extra large Kapa Haka group began
We sat there staring at the stage watching their magnificent performance
We felt inspired and awed by them.
Well done we are proud of you! and Good luck for Polyfest!

Written together by Rm 9

Photo coming!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Rugby World Cup

Our new topic is the Rugby World Cup We have a countdown chart to see how many days to go until kick off

We have talked about what we know, words we might hear and what we want to learn

Art Gallery Trip

We had a fantastic time with John at the Art Gallery early this term talking about what makes Kiwi's (NZers) special We created Kiwiana kiwis They look really great - Pop into the classroom to see them. 
Here are 3 to give you a taste

Welcome Miss Radice

Miss Radice is our wonderful, new, kind, and enjoyable College teacher. She will be with us most Mondays and Tuesdays this term and then for a posting of three weeks at the end of the Term. Lucky us- she remains in our Room for most of Term 4 too.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Cross country training begins

During the last 2 weeks of term and the 1st week of Term 3 Room 9 will join with the rest of the Middle Team to walk either to the Woodhaugh gardens or the University's north ground to train for our Cross country. Feel free to join us as we get fitter and fitter.

The giant's toothpaste

Mrs Forwood became a scientist creating a rather explosive pink creation! 
This made a very interesting motivation for writing!
 She left the recipe behind so if you'd like to try this for yourself 
(Have an adult watch you)- Send me a message:)

Puketeraki Marae visit

Below are some photos of our fabulous trip to Karitane.
Matua Brent did a terrific job of guiding around the marae.
We were officially welcomed during a powhiri ceremony and morning tea followed.
During the rest of the day we took turns at 3 of 4 diffeent activities: poi, flax (harakeke), traditional musical instruments (Nga Taonga Puoro) and long rakau - taiaha skills. The team leading us were very skilled and gracious hosts.

We had a wonderful day - Enjoy the photos

Monday, June 6, 2011

Week 6 by Fullstops writing group

During art we are planning how to use collage to present our burning flames for the hall display. In news time we have been going into our super groups and the leader had to summarize the most exciting part of each person's news to the whole class. Last Thursday night some of us enjoyed exploring other rooms in the school and finding out how they use ICT Liam's favourite part was the robots in Room 13 . We liked  using our art as a background for our green screen project.  There are two new activities in our room. Words Alive is when we write about a moment in time. Here is Sean creating a crossword during spelling.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Week 3's news

We have a great new college teacher named Mrs Forwood. We have been learning to use our poi to sing action songs. We enjoy spinning our poi. Rere atu rere mai means fly away, fly to me. 

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Our Learning Detectives

These senior children are learning detectives. They will visit our class to ask us our opinions on ways to improve things at our school. Today they asked us about our library
Room 9 were on holiday for two weeks and we had lots of fun.
This term we will be visiting the marae on the 23rd of June. We will be learning lots of things about maori culture. Our value of the term is Kindness. If you give kindness away you will receive it back. The lucky book club went out yesterday and it's due back on Friday the 20th May.
We have a new College Teacher who is Miss Goodson. She will be with us for the first two weeks of term.
Written by Room 9.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

End of term newsletter

Hello all,
It’s been a long busy term in Room 9. It has been great to welcome Miss Dunn and Mrs Wing , our College teachers with us for most of the term. To say THANK YOU to them for their hard work and wish them well we will have a Healthy Shared Lunch on Friday which also coincides   with a CHCH fundraiser - Wacky hair day
Highlights for the term have included focussing on our strengths, large ball skills, swimming, healthy eating as well as our usual reading writing and maths pragrammes. The children have particularly enjoyed the measuring unit in the last two weeks during which they became pirates or designers.
I wish for you and your families a rest and change of scene over the holiday break and look forward to seeing your bright bubbly selves again in Term 2
Mrs Sherlock

Monday, March 28, 2011

PAT testing week

Last week seemed to go very quickly as each day the Yr 4 children had a Progressive Achievement test to sit. On Friday the Yr3 and Yr 4 children sat the listening test.

Written by Room9 together

Josh found a beautiful Red Admiral Butterfly at the bottom of the steps by Mr Vinecomb's office. We took a picture of our butterfly to put on our interesting blog. It had a broken wing.

Please note use of interesting adjectives!!

Long Weekend - Lots of news!

 A long weekend meant everyone had lots to share in their news super groups this week

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

More swimming fun

 Ava and Shevaun dressed for road safety

Liam B listening carefully

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Swimming begins!

Thankyou to all the parents and grandparents who have offered to help us walk to the DNI pool.
 Phoebe and Adam
As you can see there is lots of fun happening in the water!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Zuchini tasting

Mrs Sherlock was adventurous on Tuesday!
Alice spotted a large courgette just ready to pick from our school garden and asked so politely if we could pick it that I couldn't resist and seized the moment!

The children were very careful about slicing a thin slice each, We then simply fried the zuchini in a little oil and Olivani marg flipping often until just golden, waited then til cool enough to eat.

Some children surprised themselves and thought they said they didn't like zuchini really enjoyed their efforts!


The movies that were filmed were too big to upload - next time we'll try shorter clips

Monday, February 7, 2011

School begins again

2011 It's a new year with new challenges ahead!
Check out our smiling faces.